API v1 Reference

Add or Update Customer to Shopping Cart

Associates an individual or organization account with this shopping cart.



https://api.neoncrm.com/neonws/services/api/store/addOrUpdateCustomerToShoppingCart?userSessionId=[session id]&shoppingCartId=55583&accountId=123933


    "addOrUpdateCustomerToShoppingCartResponse": {
        "operationResult": "SUCCESS",
        "responseMessage": "Account has been added to shopping cart.",
        "responseDateTime": "2013-02-20T20:22:59.403-06:00"





<soap:envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:addorupdatecustomertoshoppingcartresponse xmlns:ns2="http://www.z2systems.com/schemas/neonws/">
         <responsemessage>Account has been added to shopping cart.</responsemessage>

Request Parameters

Name Required Description
shoppingCartId Yes Shopping cart ID
accountId Yes Account ID

Error Codes

Code Text Description
10131 Account id is required.
10132 Account id is invalid.
12301 Shopping cart id is required.
12302 Shopping cart id is invalid.
13005 Account specified in child membership term must be differ with the customer account in shopping cart. Applies if there are any membership items added in the shopping cart.
13006 No household relationship found between the membership account and the shopping cart customer. Applies if there are any membership items added in the shopping cart.
13007 No company relationship found between the membership account and the shopping cart customer. Applies if there are any membership items added in the shopping cart.
13008 Membership account must be individual account for group membership terms. Applies if there are any membership items added in the shopping cart.
13009 Customer account must be organization account for organization group membership terms. Applies if there are any membership items added in the shopping cart.
13010 Customer account must be individual account for individual group membership terms. Applies if there are any membership items added in the shopping cart.