API v1 Reference

Add Membership to Account

This request creates a membership record and attaches it to an existing Account. It also creates a payment record, which is attached to the membership. To create a payment, you’ll need to know the tender type. Prior to making this request, you’ll need to know the ID of the account to which you want to attach this membership, and the ID of the Membership Term.



https://api.neoncrm.com/neonws/services/api/membership/addMembershipToAccount?userSessionId=T1361083726537&membership.membershipTerm.termInfo.id=505&membership.accountId=123958&membership.autoRenewal=false&membership.source.id=51&membership.customFieldDataList.customFieldData.fieldId=625&membership.customFieldDataLIst.fieldValue=a test purchase&payment.amount=360&payment.note=for membership term 507&payment.tenderType.id=4&payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.cardNumber=4757077614429236&payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.expirationMonth=9&payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.expirationYear=15&payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.cardType.name=visa&payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.CVV2=201&payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.billingAddressLine1=14/349 Geoge Street&payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.city=Chicago&payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.state.code=IL&payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.country.id=1&payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.zipCode=60009&payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.cardHolder=Dark Smith


    "addMembershipToAccountResponse": {
        "operationResult": "SUCCESS",
        "responseMessage": "Membership created.",
        "responseDateTime": "2013-02-17T14:37:11.115-06:00",
        "membershipId": 6581,
        "transaction": {
            "transactionId": 55571,
            "transactionStatus": "Succeed",
            "payments": {
                "payment": {
                    "paymentId": 44075,
                    "amount": 360,
                    "paymentStatus": "Succeed",
                    "note": "for membership term 507",
                    "tenderType": {
                        "id": 4,
                        "name": "Credit Card(Online)"
                    "creditCardOnlinePayment": {
                        "cardNumber": ************9236,
                        "expirationMonth": 9,
                        "expirationYear": 15,
                        "cardType": {
                            "code": "v",
                            "name": ""
                        "cardHolder": "Dark Smith",
                        "billingAddressLine1": "14/349 Geoge Street",
                        "city": "Chicago",
                        "state": {
                            "code": "IL"
                        "country": {
                            "id": 1,
                            "name": "United States"
                        "zipCode": 60009



<soapenv:envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:neon="http://www.z2systems.com/schemas/neonws/">
             <usersessionid>[session id]</usersessionid>
                      <fieldvalue>customer field 1</fieldvalue>     
                <note>cash payment</note>


<soap:envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:addmembershiptoaccountresponse xmlns:ns2="http://www.z2systems.com/schemas/neonws/">
         <responsemessage>Membership created.</responsemessage>
                  <note>cash payment</note>

Request Parameters

Name Required Description
membership.accountId Yes The account to which this membership is being added.
membership.membershipTerm.termInfo.id Yes * Membership Term ID. Possible values can be retrieved from List Membership Terms method. Required if termInfo.name is not provided.
membership.membershipTerm.termInfo.name Yes * Membership Term Name. Possible values can be retrieved from List Membership Terms method. Required if termInfo.id is not provided.
membership.autoRenewal Should this membership term automatically renew? Possible values: true, false
membership.source.id Possible values can be retrieved from List Sources method.
membership.source.name Possible values can be retrieved from List Sources method.
membership.customFieldDataList.customFieldData.fieldId Membership custom fields can be populated. Possible values can be retrieved from List Custom Fields method. This field can be repeated.
membership.customFieldDataList.customFieldData.fieldName Membership custom fields can be populated. Possible values can be retrieved from List Custom Fields method. This field can be repeated.
membership.customFieldDataList.customFieldData.fieldOptionId Membership custom fields can be populated. Possible values can be retrieved from List Custom Fields method. This field can be repeated.
sendAcknowledgeEmail Determines whether this operation triggers the default system email. Value must be TRUE or FALSE. FALSE is the default value if the parameter is not provided.
payment.amount Yes Payment amount
payment.tenderType.id Yes * Possible values can be retrieved from List Tenders method. Required if tenderType.name is not provided.
payment.tenderType.name Yes * Possible values can be retrieved from List Tenders method. Required if tenderType.id is not provided.
Credit Card Online Payment
The following fields are applicable if tenderType = 4 (credit card online).
Payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.cardNumber Yes * Required for third-party gateways. See Payments for further documentation.
Payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.token Yes * Required if using NeonPay or Neon Payment Processing. See Payments for further documentation.
Payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.expirationMonth Yes
Payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.expirationYear Yes
Payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.cardType.id Yes * Possible values can be retrieved from List Credit Card Types method. Required when cardType.name is not provided.
Payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.cardType.name Yes * Possible values can be retrieved from List Credit Card Types method. Required when cardType.id is not provided.
Payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.CVV2 Yes
Payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.cardHolder Yes Name of credit card holder, as shown on the card.
Payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.cardHolderEmail Yes * Required if using Neon Payment Processing.
Payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.state.code Possible values can be retrieved from the List States method. Required when state.name is not provided.
Payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.state.name Possible values can be retrieved from the List States method. Required when state.code is not provided.
Payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.country.id Possible values can be retrieved from the List Countries method. Required when country.name is not provided.
Payment.creditCardOnlinePayment.country.name Possible values can be retrieved from the List Countries method. Required when country.id is not provided.
Credit Card Offline Payment
The following fields are applicable if tenderType = 2 (credit card offline, on-site credit card machine)
Payment.creditCardOfflinePayment.cardType.id Possible values can be retrieved from List Credit Card Types method. Required when cardType.name is not provided.
Payment.creditCardOfflinePayment.cardType.name Possible values can be retrieved from List Credit Card Types method. Required when cardType.id is not provided.
Payment.creditCardOfflinePayment.state.code Possible values can be retrieved from the List States method. Required when state.name is not provided.
Payment.creditCardOfflinePayment.state.name Possible values can be retrieved from the List States method. Required when state.code is not provided.
Payment.creditCardOfflinePayment.country.id Possible values can be retrieved from the List Countries method. Required when country.name is not provided.
Payment.creditCardOfflinePayment.country.name Possible values can be retrieved from the List Countries method. Required when country.id is not provided.
eCheck / ACH Payment
The following fields are applicable if tenderType = 12 (E-Check/ACH)
Payment.echeckPayment.routingNumber Yes
Payment.echeckPayment.accountNumber Yes
Payment.echeckPayment.accountType Possible values: Checking, Saving
Check Payment
The following fields are applicable if tenderType = 3 (Check)
Payment.checkPayment.accountType Possible values: Checking, Saving

Response Parameters

Name Required Description
membershipId Yes The ID of the membership transaction (not the account).
paymentId Yes Payment ID
transaction.transactionId Yes Transaction ID
transaction.transactionStatus Yes Possible values: Pending, Processing, Succeed, Declined, Error, Scheduled, Cancelled, Deferred
payments.payment Yes Transaction details of the payment

Error Codes

Code Text Description
50 CustomField id is required.
51 CustomField id is invalid.
52 CustomField option value is required.
53 CustomField option id is required.
54 CustomField option id is invalid.
55 CustomField option id is duplicated.
56 CustomField id is duplicated.
101 Payment amount is required.
102 Tender type id or name is required.
103 Tender type id or name is invalid.
104 Echeck routing number is required.
105 Echeck account number is required.
106 Echeck account owner is required.
107 Credit card number is required.
108 Credit card expiration date is required.
109 Credit card CVV2 is required.
110 Credit card type is invalid.
111 Billing Address state id or name is invalid.
112 Billing Address country id or name is invalid.
150 Unable to process payment.
151 Payment id is invalid.
152 Payment id is required.
153 Succeed credit card online or e-check payment cannot be reprocessed.
10014 Source id or name is invalid.
10131 Account id is required.
10132 Account id is invalid.
13000 Membership term id or name is required.
13001 Membership term id or name is invalid.
13003 Payment amount must be the same as membership fee.
13020 Child membership term is not allowed here. To purchase any child membership terms. please refer to addItemToShoppingCart under store api.