API v1 Reference

List Events

This request is used to retrieve a list of events.

Use this to formulate a search request by defining the search terms and the output columns. Results are paginated, but the page size can be defined in your request. Also, a combination of search parameters uses AND logic. You cannot search [parameter 1 = this] OR [parameter 2 = this] using this request.

This sample request searches for any events held in August 2012. It returns the columns Event ID, Event Name, Total Revenue, Campaign ID, Campaign Name, Event Start Date, Event Start Time, Event End Date and Event End Time.



https://api.neoncrm.com/neonws/services/api/event/listEvents?responseType=xml&userSessionId=[your session id]&outputfields.idnamepair.name=Event%20ID&outputfields.idnamepair.name=Event%20Name&outputfields.idnamepair.name=Total%20Revenue&outputfields.idnamepair.name=Campaign%20ID&outputfields.idnamepair.name=Campaign%20Name&outputfields.idnamepair.name=Event%20Start%20Date&outputfields.idnamepair.name=Event%20Start%20Time&outputfields.idnamepair.name=Event%20End%20Date&outputfields.idnamepair.name=Event%20End%20Time&searches.search.key=Event%20Start%20Date&searches.search.searchOperator=GREATER_THAN&searches.search.value=2012-08-01&searches.search.key=Event%20End%20Date&searches.search.searchOperator=LESS_THAN&searches.search.value=2012-08-31


    "listEvents": {
        "operationResult": "SUCCESS",
        "responseDateTime": "2013-02-24T21:21:48.952-06:00",
        "page": {
            "currentPage": 1,
            "pageSize": 10,
            "totalPage": 2,
            "totalResults": 13
        "searchResults": {
            "nameValuePairs": [
                    "nameValuePair": [
                            "name": "Event Start Time",
                            "value": "01:00:00"
                            "name": "Campaign Name",
                            "value": "Annual Campaign"
                            "name": "Total Revenue"
                            "name": "Event End Date",
                            "value": "2012-08-22"
                            "name": "Event Name",
                            "value": "My Test Event"
                            "name": "Event Start Date",
                            "value": "2012-08-20"
                            "name": "Campaign Id",
                            "value": 4
                            "name": "Event Id",
                            "value": 649
                            "name": "Event End Time",
                            "value": "05:00:00"

Valid Fields

Search Criteria

Output Columns