API v1 Reference

Create Custom Object

Adds a new custom object to a NeonCRM system.

When you create a new custom object, you will define the object’s properties as well as the first column to be created in the object’s database table. You can then use the Create Custom Object Field method to add additional columns to your object.




https://api.neoncrm.com/neonws/services/api/customObject/createCustomObject?userSessionId=[session id]&customObject.objectLabel=Museum Visits&customObject.objectDescription=Tracks constituent visits to our museum&customObject.objectRecordName=Visit&customObject.ObjectRecordStartNumber=1&customObject.objectRecordDisplayFormat={0}&customObject.objectRecordDataType=AUTO_NUMBER


  "createCustomObjectResponse": {
    "operationResult": "SUCCESS",
    "responseDateTime": "2017-05-18T21:00:26.246+0000",
    "customObject": {
      "objectId": 2,
      "objectName": "Museum_Visits",
      "objectLabel": "Museum_Visits",
      "objectApiName": "Museum_Visits_c",
      "objectDescription": "Tracks constituent visits to our museum",
      "objectRecordName": "Visit",
      "objectRecordStartNumber": 1,
      "objectRecordDisplayFormat": "{0}",
      "allowActivity": false,
      "allowReport": false,
      "objectRecordDataType": AUTO_NUMBER,
      "isActive": false

Request Parameters

Parameter Required Description
customObject.objectLabel Required This is the unique name used to identify the Custom Object in the Custom Objects list as well as in the left menu (if the object is added to the left menu).
customObject.objectDescription Optional description or notes about this Custom Object.
customObject.objectRecordName Required This is a non-unique Field Name for the First Record that appears in page layouts, key lists, related lists, lookups, and search results. This is the first column to be created in your table. In most cases, this will be your table’s primary key.
customObject.objectRecordDataType Required Possible values: TEXT or AUTO_NUMBER. This controls the data type for the column you created with the “customObject.objectRecordName” parameter. In most cases, you will want to use a value of AUTO_NUMBER.
customObject.ObjectRecordStartNumber Required if customObject.objectRecordDataType = AUTO_NUMBER. Must be an integer. Specify which number should be used as the starting point for your Auto-Number field.
customObject.objectRecordDisplayFormat Please refer to our guide: Custom Object Number Formats
customObject.AllowActivity Possible values: TRUE, FALSE. If this is turned on, this Custom Object will be available for use in Activities.
customObject.AllowReport Possible values: TRUE, FALSE. If this is turned on, this Custom Object will be exposed to the NeonCRM reporting interface.
customObject.addToNeonLeftMenu Possible values: TRUE, FALSE. If this is turned on, this Custom Object will be added to NeonCRM’s main navigation bar.
customObject.createWebhook Format: Valid URL. When a new record is created, Neon will pass the record as JSON to this URL.
customObject.updateWebhook Format: Valid URL. When a record is updated, Neon will pass the record as JSON to this URL.
customObject.deleteWebhook Format: Valid URL. When a record is deleted, Neon will pass the record ID as JSON to this URL.

Response Parameters

Parameter Description
customObject.objectApiName This is the token used to identify the Custom Object when accessing it from the API.

Error Codes

Code Text Description
20008 Object label name is required.
20009 Object label name is invalid.
20010 Object record name is requried.
20011 Object record name is invalid.
20012 Object record data type is required.
20013 Object record data type is invalid.
20014 Object record display format is required.
20016 Object record start number is required.
20017 Object record start number is invalid.