API v1 Reference

Add Address

Individual accounts can have more than one address. Use this request to add an address to an individual account.



https://api.neoncrm.com/neonws/services/api/account/addAddress?responseType=json&userSessionId=T1356600272529&accountId=3489&Address.primaryAddress=true&Address.isShippingAddress=true&Address.addressType.id=1&Address.addressType.name=Business&Address.addressLine1=aaa&Address.addressLine2=bbb&Address.addressLine3=ccc&Address.addressLine4=ddd&Address.city=city&Address.state.code=AL&Address.state.name=ALABAMA&Address.province=province&Address.county=county&Address.country.id=1&Address.country.name=United States&Address.zipCode=39111&Address.zipCodeSuffix=1355&Address.startDate=1990-03-16&Address.endDate=1990-03-17&Address.confirmDelete=true


{ "addAddressResponse": { 
    "operationResult": "SUCCESS", 
    "responseDateTime": "2012-12-27T03:32:31.591-06:00", 
    "addressId": 3329 } 



<soapenv:envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:neon="http://www.z2systems.com/schemas/neonws/">
                <addressline1>14/40 mars ST</addressline1>


<soap:envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:addaddressresponse xmlns:ns2="http://www.z2systems.com/schemas/neonws/">

Request Parameters

Name Required Description
accountId Yes Account ID
Address.primaryAddress Possible values: true, false. Default value is false.
Address.isShippingAddress Possible values: true, false.
Address.addressType.id Possible values can be retrieved from the List Address Types request. Submit either name or ID.
Address.addressType.name Possible values can be retrieved from the List Address Types request. Submit either name or ID.
Address.addressLine1 Corresponds to the Street 1 field.
Address.addressLine2 Corresponds to the Street 2 field.
Address.addressLine3 Corresponds to the Street 3 field.
Address.addressLine4 Corresponds to the Street 4 field.
Address.city City
Address.state.code Possible values can be retrieved from the List States method. Submit either a state code or state name.
Address.state.name Possible values can be retrieved from the List States method. Submit either a state code or state name.
Address.province Province. Canadian provinces can be found in the State field. Use this for provinces outside of US/Canada. Note: If you send a value for either state.code or state.name, the value in the province field will be ignored.
Address.county County
Address.country.id Possible values can be retrieved from the List Countries request.
Address.country.name Possible values can be retrieved from the List Countries request.
Address.zipCodeSuffix The 4-digit zip code suffix.
Address.startDate Use format YYYY-MM-DD.
Address.endDate Use format YYYY-MM-DD.

Response Parameters

Name Required Description
addressId Yes Address ID

Error Codes

Code Text Description
10130 Address type is invalid.
10131 Account id is required.
10132 Account id is invalid.
10133 Address country is invalid.
10134 Address state is invalid.
10139 Account id is invalid. Cannot add/update/remove address for organization account. Please refer to linkIndividualToOrganizationAccount and removeIndividualFromOrganizationAccount requests.