Neon CRM API v2 Response Codes

This page contains information about HTTP status and error code responses from the Neon CRM API v2.

HTTP Status Codes

Status Description Additional Details
200 OK
201 Created
204 No Content
222 Merged Account See Handling HTTP 222 Merged Account.
401 Unauthorized Check the request authorization header. See Authentication.
403 Forbidden Check the API user permissions. See API v2 Permissions.
404 Not Found
429 Too Many Requests See Rate Limits.

Common Errors

Error Code Error Description Additional Details
1 Unexpected System error occurred. Try your request again. If the issue persists, contact technical support at
10 Api key is required. See Authentication.
12 OrgId is required. See Authentication.
13 Api key is invalid. See Authentication.
14 OrgId is invalid. See Authentication.
15 OAuth access token is invalid. See Authentication.
21 Search sort column is invalid.
22 Search key is required.
23 Search key is invalid.
24 Search value is required.
25 Search value is invalid.
26 Search output field id or name is invalid.
27 Search output field id is invalid.
28 Search output field name is invalid
29 Search operator is required.
30 Search criteria cannot be empty.
50 Customfield id is required.
51 Customfield id is invalid.
52 Customfield option value is required.
53 Customfield option id is required.
54 Customfield option id is invalid.
55 Customfield option id is duplicated.
56 Customfield id is duplicated.
1021 ACH payment is invalid.
1022 Online credit card payment is invalid.
1023 Only one payment is allowed for add or edit.
1024 {Gateway name} gateway is not supported Payment tokens are only supported for NeonPay and Neon Payment Processing. See Payments.
1025 You can't add a payment to a successful transaction.
1027 You can't edit a payment when transaction is successful.
1028 You can't edit more than one payment.
1030 Fund id is invalid.
1031 Campaign id is invalid.
1032 Purpose id is invalid.
1033 Tender type id is invalid.
1034 Billing Address country id is invalid.
1035 Category id is invalid.
1036 Address country id is invalid.
1037 Source id is invalid.
1038 Advantage amount cannot be greater than {num} amount. See CRA Compliance.
1039 Fund id is required.
1040 Campaign id is required.
1041 Purpose id is required.
1042 Tender type id is required.
1043 Billing Address country id is required.
1044 Category id is required.
1045 Address country id is required.
1046 Source id is required.
1047 Solicitation method id is required.
1048 Solicitation method id is invalid.
1049 Topic id is invalid.
1050 Topic id is required.
1052 Credit card token is invalid. Below fields is required: name, address_line1, address_city, address_zip.
1053 You can't edit it because that's CRA is receipted. Transactions for which a CRA receipt has been issued must be unlocked in the Neon CRM UI before they can be edited. See CRA Compliance.
1054 You can't edit it because QB Sync'ed. Transactions that have been sync'ed to QuickBooks must be unlocked in the Neon CRM UI before they can be edited.
1056 Wire tender is not supported now.
1057 Card number last four must be 4 digits.
1060 Output fields should contain sort column.
1061 Output fields cannot be greater than 300.
9000 {Field} is required.
9001 {Field} is invalid.
9002 {Field} cannot be null.
9003 {Field} cannot be empty.
9004 {Field} must be less than or equal to {num}.
9005 {Field} must be greater than or equal to {num}.
9006 {Field} size must be between {num} and {num}.
9007 {Field} must be a well-formed email address.
9008 You don't have the following permission(s): {Permissions}.
9009 {Field} size must be between grater than {num}.
9010 The {field} exceeded the maximum length of {num} characters.
9011 You don't have the permissions to access your request resource. See API v2 Permissions.
9012 Request body entity id mismatches URL id.
9013 {Field} must be "hh:mm am/pm" format.
9080 {Delete error}
9995 API credential is required.
9996 Request gone over throttle limit ({num} calls per second).
9997 {Request} gone over throttle limit ({num} calls per second).
9998 JSON format error.
9999 {Field} type mismatch.

Account Errors

Error Code Error Description Additional Details
80 Address Type id or name is invalid.
81 Address Country id or name is invalid.
82 Address State id or name is invalid.
84 Shipping Address shippingDeliverTo is required.
85 Shipping Address country is required.
86 Shipping Address zipCode is required.
87 Shipping Address stateProvince is required in the US.
1001 Only one of the field can be provided, individualAccount or companyAccount.
1002 Request body is individual account but account id is a company account.
1003 Request body is company account but account id is a individual account.
1004 Day of Birth Date is invalid.
1005 Month of Birth Date is invalid.
1006 Year of Birth Date is invalid.
1007 Birth Date is invalid.
1008 Please enter both Address Start and End Date.
1009 The date format must be mm/dd or mm/dd/yyyy for both Start Date and End Date.
1010 Address fax type cannot be mobile.
1010 Address fax type cannot be mobile.F143
1011 Company contact address is existed.
1012 Primary company contact is not existed.
1013 Shipping address cannot be a Primary address.
1014 Company Contact address cannot be a Shipping address.
1015 Current contact for this company belongs to an individual account,thus the contact information cannot be updated, please refer to the Update Account request.
1016 Company contact id is invalid.
1017 Only one address allowed for company contact.
1018 Your password requires at least 8 characters, including at least one number. Spaces are not allowed.
1019 Can't changes a individual primary address to false.
1020 Given contact has already been linked to this Company.
1051 Cannot delete primary company contact.
10001 Contact first name is required.
10002 Contact last name is required.
10003 Existing Company Id is invalid, company cannot be found.
10004 Only one of the field can be provided, or
10006 IndividualType id or name is invalid.
10008 Address addressType id or name is invalid.
10010 Address stateProvince id or name is invalid.
10012 Login username is already exist.
10015 CustomField id is required.
10016 CustomField id is invalid.
10019 CustomField optionId is invalid.
10022 IndividualType duplicated ids are found.
10024 Contact id is required.
10025 Contact id is invalid.
10026 ExistingOrgnizationId is invalid, you can use linkIndividualToCompany to add new relationship.
10030 Individual account id is required.
10031 Individual account id is invalid.
10032 Company account id is required.
10033 Company account id is invalid.
10036 Given Account has not been linked yet.
10053 CompanyType id is invalid.
10055 Address type is invalid.
10056 Address stateProvince is invalid.
10061 Login username is already exist.
10064 CustomField id is required.
10065 CustomField id is invalid.
10070 Company type is duplicated.
10071 CustomField option Id is invalid.
10072 Account id is required.
10073 Account id is invalid.
10080 This account has been updated from server. Your changes will be dropped.
10136 Address id is invalid.
10137 Address id or account id is invalid, given address id does not belong to this primary contact.
10138 Address cannot be empty.

Donation Errors

Error Code Error Description Additional Details
1026 You can't add a payment to a In-kind donation.
1029 Payment(ID: {num}) not belong to this donation.
1055 Recurring donation End Date must be later than the Next Date.
1109 Payment amount should equals donation amount.
11010 Recurring period is required.
11011 Recurring period type is required.
11012 Recurring next date is required.

Event Errors

Error Code Error Description Additional Details
82 Address State id or name is invalid.
1100 AdmissionFee is only used if feeType is SingleFee.
1101 Ticket is only used if feeType is MT_MA.
1104 The ticket id doesn't belong to the event.
1107 Free and Single event cannot create ticket.
1108 Donation Level type doesn't support.F13

Event Registration Errors

Error Code Error Description Additional Details
1106 Attendee number doesn't match. Event has {num} left.
1110 Payment amount must be equal with Registration amount.
1111 Event Registration does not support In-Kind.
1112 You cannot modify Event Registration amount.
1113 You cannot modify Event Registration account.
1114 You cannot modify Event Registration couponCode.
14001 Event id is required.
14002 Event id is invalid.
14006 Event registration attendee is required.
14007 Event registration attendee JSON string is invalid.
14008 Event registration attendee's account id is invalid.
14011 This event allows exactly one attendee per ticket.
14012 Attendee number doesn't match.
14013 Event ticket id is invalid.
14014 Event coupon code is invalid.