Neon CRM API v2 Permissions

API keys are associated with users in Neon CRM, and they inherit all the same permissions that their associated user has in the Neon CRM UI. This page lists the required permissions for methods in the Neon CRM API v2.

Note that user permissions names may vary between the Neon CRM UI and the documentation provided here.


Method Required Permission
GET /accounts/{id} Read Account
POST /accounts/{id}/contacts Read Account
GET /accounts/{id}/contacts/{contactId} Read Account
POST /accounts/search Read Account
GET /accounts/search/outputFields Read Account
GET /accounts/search/searchFields Read Account
GET /addresses/{addressId} Read Account
GET /accounts/{id}/contacts Read Account
POST /accounts Write Account
PUT /accounts/{id} Write Account
PUT /accounts/{id}/contacts/{contactId} Write Account
DELETE /accounts/{id}/contacts/{contactId} Write Account
PATCH /accounts/{id}/contacts/{contactId} Write Account
POST /accounts/link Write Account
POST /accounts/unlink Write Account
POST /addresses Write Account
PUT /addresses/{addressId} Write Account
PATCH /addresses/{addressId} Write Account
DELETE /addresses/{addressId} Write Account
GET /accounts/{id}/donations Read Donation
GET /accounts/{id}/pledges Read Donation
GET /pledges/{id} Read Donation
POST /pledges Write Donation
PUT /pledges/{id} Write Donation
DELETE /pledges/{id} Write Donation
GET /pledges/{id}/pledgePayments Read Donation
POST /pledges/{id}/pledgePayments Write Donation
GET /pledges/{id}/pledgePayments/{paymentId} Read Donation
DELETE /pledges/{id}/pledgePayments/{paymentId} Write Donation
PATCH /pledges/{id} Write Donation
GET /recurring Read Donation
GET /recurring/{id} Read Donation
POST /recurring Write Donation
PUT /recurring/{id} Write Donation
DELETE /recurring/{id} Write Donation
PATCH /recurring/{id} Write Donation
GET /campaigns Read Donation
GET /campaigns/{id} Read Donation
POST /donations/search Read Donation
GET /donations/search/outputFields Read Donation
GET /donations/search/searchFields Read Donation
POST /campaigns Write Donation
PUT /campaigns/{id} Write Donation
PATCH /campaigns/{id} Write Donation
DELETE /campaigns/{id} Write Donation
POST /donations Write Donation
GET /donations/{id} Read Donation
PUT /donations/{id} Write Donation
PATCH /donations/{id} Write Donation
DELETE /donations/{id} Write Donation
POST /events/search Read Event
DELETE /events/{id} Write Event
GET /events/search/searchFields Read Event
GET /events/search/outputFields Read Event
POST /events Write Event
GET /events/{id} Read Event
PUT /events/{id} Write Event
GET /events/{id}/tickets Read Event
GET /events/{id}/attendees Read Event
POST /events/{id}/tickets Write Event
GET /events/{id}/tickets/{ticketId} Read Event
PUT /events/{id}/tickets/{ticketId} Write Event
DELETE /events/{id}/tickets/{ticketId} Write Event
GET /events/{id}/eventRegistrations Read Event Registration
PATCH /events/{id} Write Event
PATCH /events/{id}/tickets/{ticketId} Write Event
GET /eventRegistrations/{registrationId} Read Event Registration
POST /eventRegistrations Write Event Registration
PUT /eventRegistrations/{registrationId} Write Event Registration
PATCH /eventRegistrations/{registrationId} Write Event Registration
POST /eventRegistrations/calculate Write Event Registration
DELETE /eventRegistrations/{registrationId} Write Event Registration
GET /payments/creditCardTypes Read Properties
GET /payments/tenders Read Properties
GET /payments/processorSettings Read Properties
GET /properties/individualTypes Read Properties
GET /properties/companyTypes Read Properties
GET /properties/addressTypes Read Properties
GET /properties/countries Read Properties
GET /properties/states Read Properties
GET /properties/genders Read Properties
GET /properties/prefixes Read Properties
GET /properties/sources Read Properties
GET /properties/relationTypes Read Properties
GET /properties/funds Read Properties
GET /properties/purposes Read Properties
GET /properties/activityStatuses Read Properties
GET /properties/solicitationMethods Read Properties
GET /properties/eventCategories Read Properties
GET /properties/eventTopics Read Properties
GET /properties/systemTimezones Read Properties
POST /webhooks Write Webhook
GET /webhooks Read Webhook
GET /webhooks/{id} Read Webhook
PUT /webhooks/{id} Write Webhook
DELETE /webhooks/{id} Write Webhook
PATCH /webhooks/{id} Write Webhook